Construction of Brissa Dam and Lake
Construction of Brissa Dam and Lake
Construction of Brissa Dam and Lake
Construction of Brissa Dam and Lake

Construction of Brissa Dam and Lake

Brissa - Lebanon

Client: Council for Development and Reconstruction
Consultant: Dar Al Handasah Nazih Taleb & Partners
The project is located in the upper part of the Menieh-Danniyeh Caza. The construction of the dam will allow better distribution of irrigation requirements and has the potential to increase the irrigation of the nearby agricultural lands

Description of Work:

• Geological investigation
• Lake excavation and clay core
• Transition fill and rock fill paving protection
• Filter, draining and rock fill paving protection
• Design and construction of cofferdam and diversion structures
• Construction of intake and washout structure
• Construction of overflow structure and service roads
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